Religious Education
Religious Education at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic parish is viewed as faith formation, a curriculum currently in place for our children and high school youth from kindergarten through 12th grade. It is our hope to provide experiences of learning and growing together for all members of the parish, young and old alike.
Our faith formation program utilizes two published curriculums.
Kindergarten and first grade use a liturgically based program provided by Pflaum Publishing Group. East week the students learn a lesson that correlates with that Sunday’s gospel.
Grades second through eight use the “Alive in Christ’’ series published by Our Sunday Visitor.
These programs both offer a complete catechetical curriculum, including a textbook for each student, and address a learning style that is age-appropriate, educationally sound and offering life-learning lessons. These programs offer participation in prayer and activities that apply directly to family life. Both the texts and catechetical guides are in direct conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Grades nine and above (Youth Group) offer an active and challenging opportunity for our high school youth to be integrated into the whole faith community. Discussions on vocations, abstinence, current events, parent relationships and peer ministries are included in the weekly meetings. Guest speakers are welcomed and our youth minister incorporates videos and internet resources for use in these sessions. Leadership is encouraged so our young people are empowered to answer God’s call to be disciples of Jesus Christ.
The sacrament of Confirmation in the parish is celebrated every other year, with the next celebration scheduled for 2020. Immediate preparation for that sacrament will be offered to those in 9th grade and above.